
What is bookmaker.XYZ?
Actually bookmaker.XYZ is NOT a bookmaker.

Link to first crypto bookmaker : http://admiralbet.ru/kappara/cryptobookmaker.html

Yes, that’s right. You can bet here, and you can win here. But there’s no “house”, “bookmaker” or “sportsbook” which bets against you. 
Unlike bookmakers where you have to deposit your money, so that you can bet, with bookmaker.XYZ you never make deposits or withdrawals. When you bet your money is locked into blockchain smart contracts which have pre-determined outcomes. Once the game/event finishes - the contract allows you to redeem your winnings (if you won ).
Your money is your money. Always.  where you have to deposit your money, so that you can bet, with bookmaker.xyz you never make deposits. When you bet your money is locked into blockchain smart-contracts which have pre-determined outcomes. Once the game/event finishes - the contract allows you to claim your winnings (if you won).
How is this possible? Well, the bookmaker.XYZ is the first betting site powered by Azuro - a novel protocol for decentralized betting.

Why bookmaker.XYZ?
1. XYZ betting is different
bookmaker.XYZ can never withhold your money or decide if or when you get your winnings. It has no access to it. You never hold any balance with the bookmaker.XYZ.
Your money - your bets. Always.

2. XYZ betting is easy
You don’t have to create an account, log in or send documents for verification. You only need to have some cryptocurrency and a web3 wallet like Metamask. You can learn more about how to use bookmaker.XYZ here. 
The tech bit can seem tough if you are new to crypto, but once you get in - it's so easy!

3. XYZ betting is rewarding
Normally you can earn cryptocurrency when you bet (even when you lose). Make sure to check what rewards are on so that you know what to expect. But also expect surprises. Pleasant ones. 

4. XYZ betting is fun
But make sure that you stop if the fun stops.

What blockchain is bookmaker.XYZ on?
bookmaker.XYZ is on Gnosis Chain, which enables players to bet with barely noticeable network fees (around 0.01 - 0.10 cents per bet). To start betting you need to get xDAI first.

Deployment on more blockchains is expected in the future.
What is web3 in general?
Web3 is another name for the decentralized internet, for crypto, for open blockchains. Some of the core principles of web3 are:
Private: there is no need for your name, data, or ID
Usable: accessible and user-friendly
Direct: no permission is needed to participate
Subversive: it transforms established orders and structures of power
Social: it empowers people and makes a difference in somebody's life
Independent: it does not rely on governments or corporates
Impactful: it intends to make a difference
Secure: it does not put anyone at risk


